Current initiatives:
Lose a Watt Energy Prize - “Working together for $5M and change”
Georgetown University is hosting a $5M energy efficiency focused prize competition for cities across the country. Fort Collins has made the semi-final round and will spend 2015-2016 aiming to increase the energy efficiency awareness and action for the residential, municipal and K-12 sectors. The goal is to double our energy savings over the two years and win the competition.
Install Combined Heat and Power
Generating electricity at a customer site with a small turbine or engine and capturing the heat that would be wasted for useful purposes. By capturing the wasted heat – significantly higher efficiencies can be reached.
Increase Use of Renewable Energy Sources
Develop renewable energy generation alternatives in the region including wind power, solar electric, biomass and waste-to-energy resources.
Integrated Utility Services
Fort Collins Utilities, as a FortZED partner, has been working with Rocky Mountain Institute to develop a business model called Integrated Utility Services (IUS). This program envisions providing Utilities customers with offerings that integrate energy efficiency, demand response and renewable energy equipment and services (unless they opt out). Customers will be able to choose premium options that range all the way up to achieving a net zero energy residence, with versatile ownership options such as leasing, financing or simple monthly charges paid through an on-bill mechanism.
Install CrowdSource Thermostats
The CrowdSource Thermostat is a direct replacement for traditional residential thermostats. It automatically reduces summer peak energy load through imperceptible, automated adjustments to the HVAC controls. Using a proprietary algorithm from IE Technologies, this approach to energy efficiency doesn’t require communications or external control, avoiding the issues of privacy, security, reliability, and complexity normally associated with programmable WiFi thermostats and air conditioning cycling programs.