FortZED is a testing ground to prototype innovative ideas that move us toward a more efficient and sustainable future.
FortZED is all about energy. FortZED connects the public, private and academic sectors so they can work together to experiment with new technology that saves money and energy and helps create jobs locally. When successful, FortZED can be copied in other communities around the globe.
- Energy is created cleanly: transitioning Fort Collins to a renewable energy supply, which includes natural gas
- Energy is sourced locally: encouraging local generation of energy to benefit the Northern Colorado region economically, supporting local jobs, new technologies and energy security
- Energy is used efficiently: reducing waste and increasing energy efficiency through the promotion of behavior change through community collaboration
With innovation as the core of our character, Fort Collins is the ideal city to pioneer a better energy future by:
- Increasing renewable energy production
- Improving energy efficiency
- Managing peak energy usage
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Transitioning to cleaner transportation fuels
By doing so, Fort Collins will:
- Protect and improve our economic health
- Attract and retain top companies and the skilled workers they need
- Provide prosperity for our residents
- Help lead Colorado and the U.S. to a clean and secure energy future
FortZED seeks to develop an energy project portfolio that addresses prototyping AND real world testing in:
- Electricity
- Heating and Cooling
- Alternative Transportation Fuels and Systems
- Behavior Systems
- Financial Systems
- Business Models
FortZED seeks to EMPOWER residents, businesses and organizations to take specific, achievable actions that:
- Bridge the gap between highly technical systems and behaviors of citizens
- Significantly improve energy sustainability, and maintain our exceptional quality of life
- Help people track their progress, see real-world results, and earn recognition for their efforts
Fort Collins will engage all stakeholders in efforts to:
- Pilot AND implement innovative approaches that help achieve the City’s Climate Action Plan goals
- Get the community excited about reducing energy use
- Catalyze change and progress towards a better energy future